November 8, 2014

all hallows eve

halloween was kinda bomb diggity this year. i could have been anyone for a whole day- a whole month! and i did! i was batman, i was a TMNT, i was captain america, i was a knight. it was fantastic. except when unkie showed up and terrified the bejesus out of me.
seriously, who would ever think that it would be a good idea to dress up as a terrible, giant teddy bear. terrifying. what wasn't terrifying was my preschool party- that was off the hizzle. look at us getting our groove on. this is how we end class every time and i always steal the show. look for my friend kaden in the TMNT costume.
we also visited a pumpkin patch which was fantastic. we rode on rides, we petted some animals, and i braved the scariest of rides. i mean, it looked fun but once those swings started going, i was not a happy camper. halloween was awesome. can't wait to see what thanksgiving brings me. maybe my grandma shell? a guy can only hope.

1 comment:

KinderTeach said...

That swing looked pretty scary! You were a brave little man for doing it.
I saw a HUGE teddy bear at Costco yesterday, way bigger than Joshua and it was pretty scary too! It's one thing when teddy bears are all cute and cuddly. Quite another when they are big enough to eat you.
Freeze dance looked so fun. Tell Mom to YouTube some Just Dance kids and continue get your jam on. Love you L