not raining? don't worry about it. i got some singing for you. my mom is a singer and has readily taught me the fine art of vocalizing words. and let me tell you, i'm fabulous.
granted, i have some work to do in the dancing department but believe me, i have potential. simon cowell, eat your heart out.
this first song i am dedicating to all the soldiers out there, because... world peace and all. support the troops. down with obama- the likes.
this song is dedicated to all my boodilicous mama's out there- abby, taylor, charlotte, and my awesome aunts, who possess the most boody out of all of them.
this last one is dedicated to my little bro. dude, you are the greatest. sorry i hit your head, push you over, hug you around the neck, shove swords in your face, jump over you and accidentally kick your head, and all those other things. bro, you're my dude.
Your singing makes my heart so happy. Tell Mommy you cannot wait another two months to post again.
I asked Abby what she wants to say about Landons singing and she replied with "popcorn popping on the apricot tree."
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