August 16, 2014

the laugh factory

you want to know whose hilarious? me. really, i just can't reign it in. i make jokes and let them fly! porter is my biggest fan, which he should be. i'm his big bro and i'm awesome. but really, i'll just be staring at the window and he's dying laughing. i guess you're always 'on', am i right? here are some times my baby bro just couldn't quit it.
technically it was my mom making him laugh in this one but i still claim credit

did you like the video of my mom yelling at me. really woman, cool your beans. i just love my baby brother. but really, what is it about me pooping that is hilarious?! really?!

1 comment:

KinderTeach said...

I love that your mom keeps telling you to push the poop out! You are such a good brother to make Porterhouse laugh.