July 24, 2014

on the road again - iv

the next morning [america's birthday] we had a yummy breakfast at the hotel where i got to creeper stalk on swimmers while i ate, wrestled porter, then saw a parade with my family! firetrucks! motorcycles! and CANDY! CANDY! CANDY! now that i'm writing this, i wonder where all that candy went? because i only got one piece.... oh ya, i just met the coolest super hero on the planet. no big deal.

totally a big deal right?!
i also got to check out an army tanker at the parade. i tried driving away with it but the army men got me. seriously dudes, i was going to bring it back. they're just jealous. after that an AIRPLANE dropped CANDY from the sky! some mean big kids kept trampeling me so i actually didn't catch a bag but some nice old dude gave me his. best. day. ever.

after that it was pretty much down hill. we napped. we ate one last time with my cousins. then we left- right when they started playing with these fire and noise thingys my mom called fireworks and poppers. i know i missed out on something. luckily shannon gave me a parting gift of melted chocolate and slurpees.
until next time utah!

1 comment:

KinderTeach said...

You forgot about our slurpee date too! It was so much fun seeing you and getting to play with you.
I also know where your candy went. Taylor took it. It was in his bag for weeks and I'm still finding candy wrappers EVERYWHERE! Even in my dishwasher, washing machine and dryer!
Until next time kiddo! You are the bomb diggity!