so my parents took me on a vacation a few weeks ago - it was ok. i got sick on the way there [milk + curvy roads = bad idea mom]. thankfully being sick earned me sympathy points and some cheeto puffs. so really, i consider it a wash.
it took FOR-EV-VER to actually get inside. but really, i don't know what the big wait was about. a whole bunch of cages with nothing in them that i could see. such a waste. i mean, the giraffes were ok. but really tall. and i couldn't touch them.the real fun started when we went to fairytale land. tons of cool stuff to climb on, lots of animals to chase, plus snow cones. which actually are not as awesome as the sound.
mom and dad just kept taking pictures of me and i'm like, geeze lay off the camera mom.
see, cool girafees. but not into touching.
the only downside was sharing with people. i mean, these kids just kept touching my stuff. i know i wasn't here first but really, that wheel was mine. and so was the slide. and so was that patch of grass.
why are people so rude?

1 comment:
I've got an awesome zoo and a terrific museum. Maybe I'll get to take you one day
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