oh hey there, i didn't see ya.
haha who are we kidding? i love my fans. and they love me [obviously]. today i thought i'd show you some of my favorite things about carson. i know it's not home forever but it's home for now. so here are some of my favorite things around the house.
here's my bankie. i know it's not really a carson thing but it's my favorite. favorite ever ever. i bit it and take it with me wherever i go. dad calls me linus.... is that some cool kid?
here i am in the bath - which i love. you can also see my octopus coloring. mom hardly ever lets me play with the bath crayons bc i like to eat them ruin them. but that's life right? mom also says i look like dad here. i don't see it. unless he's a sexy beast.... which he's totally a runner up to me.these are my socks. i'm always trying to get mom to put them on my hands then i run around with them, usually for an hour at a time. i mean, who doesn't love sock hands?
this is my monkey backpack. i think the technical term is kid leash but it's my fav. i love to clip them then have mom help me squeeze them to unbuckle them. oh and my bankie- hey there fella.
this is another car i got. for some reason my mom wouldn't let me take it home from the store but i know it's mine.
this is another one of my vehicles- my john deere. i don't think it was made to be a ride along but hey, when there's a will, there's a way.
and my favorite toilet. which i love to put little bits of toilet paper in. toilets are the funnest!!

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