January 5, 2015

porter the talker {sorta}

my porta bella is just the cutest of the cutes. really, this guy is so hilarious. he just is always making these sounds and doing the silliest of things. most recently his favorite thing to say is 'all done'. well, what i think is all done. makes mommy kinda sad that that's his first word and not mama. here he is saying 'dada' as well but i wouldn't call that his first word- dude is just making sounds.
as you might remember, i was quite the chatterbox. let's see if my little brother will be like me, because, who wouldn't want to be?

1 comment:

KinderTeach said...

I don't think Porterhouse will be quite the chatterbox you were. After all you didn't have an awesome big brother to talk for you like Porterhouse does. I'm sure you'll end up doing a lot of talking for him.