August 22, 2014

sing a song of sixpence

the birthday months have commenced! i can't wait- first peanut, then devin, ben, autumn, daddy, taylor, charlotte, ayden and then me! seriously, i cannot wait. i've already started planning what i want for my party and for my presents. i even convinced my mom to buy me a mike the knight sword and shield. she rudely took it away from me and put it high in her closet.

for serious woman, get it together! i want my present now- what's 6 more weeks?

anyways i typically wish my beloveds happy  birthday via a video. here is the one for peanut. my mom tried to steal the show but i would not let that happen. notice my adorable baby brother.

1 comment:

KinderTeach said...

I'm glad you didn't let your mom steal the show. She just loves to be the center of attention! She actually thinks she is Grandmas favorite! Crazy lady!
You are such a good cousin to sing to Peanut. I know he sure loves you. I hope you plan a great party like Peanut did. Maybe you should ask for a waterside too!! Love you L