animals. seriously, can't get enough of them. i'll chase them, grab them, stare at them- creeper fashion. i just
animals. particularly dogs and birds. my favorite books are barn yard books, my favorite song is 'old mcdonald' or 'wheels on the bus' with animals on it instead. so my parents were so excited to take me there. and this is what i have to say about it...ehhh...
i have to give them props for trying but really, what's the big dealio? i couldn't see any tigers. they pelicans and penguins were too far away for me to touch. really, the pigeons flying around was where it was at. even the stinky elephant didn't impress me too much. i really liked the playground- even picked up a chick's digits.
this whole trip has really wrecked havoc on my REM cycle- i woke up that morning at 5:30 so come 9 i was tuckered out- fell dead asleep on the ride over. i would NEVER admit this to my mom but i was a lot happier after that.
at the zoo i just stared with my mouth open- wanting to be held so i could see everything. it was awesome.
especially when i could chase the birds- can you see this one hiding behind the railing? sucka! i'm coming for you!!
dad kept himself busy by letting me roll down the walkways- FAST! i have to admit, it was kinda awesome. that dude is super cool- if i'm lucky i'll grow up to be just like him one day.
the animals were awesome...ish. honestly i couldn't care less. i couldn't see most of them and mostly, i just wanted to chase the birds. i did have lots of fun at the park- hiding in the tubes.
sitting in half-egg shells. who left their dinosaur egg?
nope! not in here!
i even saw the gorillas- now don't let this photo deceive you. i'm a lot bigger then you think. those gorillas ain't got nothing on this pint size maniac.
i had tons of fun- it was especially nice considering the ride i had ahead of me.
it was a LONG six hours - long. really, there's only so much elmo and arthur can do. my mom quickly ran out of suckers...
so the night ended like this with some nice nevada traffic. once we got home i was like a sailor on leave- ran from toy to toy, promising i'll never ever ever leave them again. never ever.

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