i love the garage- anytime my parents go near that door, i start hooting and run to the door so i can sneak out into it. it's a place full of wonder and amazment. i wanted to give you guys a tour so enjoy.
landon: welcome everyone to my garage. this is the place where all the magic happens. first stop is my mom's pink bike she got for her birthday last year. isn't it wonderful? i haven't really noticed it before last night but now i just can't get enough of it. pink- the color of candy.
<moving on>
this right here is my wheels- because there's one thing a fellas gotta have and that's wheels. now the most important part of a car is the engine. sadly, mine is lacking one. this car runs on kisses and raspberries- here look, i'll gun it up for you. <give it a nice big lick/raspberry> stupid car, it really needs to get an engine!
<moving on>
these are my dad's cabinents. aren't they pretty? in here is where he stores some of my old toys and other junk like that. <trips over bike> stupid bike! get out of the way why don't ya?! i'll teach you to trip me! <goes over to the bike and grabs it> no, i should control myself. it's the first thing they teach you in baby anger management classes i had to take when i was colicy.
<moving on>
this is my dad's truck. it takes him away from the house and back home. i've gone in it a few times and man, that the way to ride- up front. i think my dad hides candy here in the front bumper.....no....false alarm- just some leaves. over there is some rocks and our mail box- and then this corner is full of spiders and ladders- neat. mom, look! i'm gonna play with some sppppiiidddeerrrsss- nope she won't jump in. good- i need a camera woman who can keep her cool.
<moving on>
oh! did i show you the bike? i just love the bike! look at the cool wheels! look you can climb on it---<insert mom "danger! danger!"> i guess not....MOM! MOM! I'M OVER HERE!!! MOM!! this is what i get for hiring an ameature. so here's the truck again- it doesn't have candy in it. i wish it did.
<moving on>
oh ya! here's our front porch. i like to run out here and eat rocks and stuff. keep a check on things in the 'hood. oh look there's dad! he's busy....doing something. maybe i should go check it out...oops! floor mat!! <falls down and dad scolds mom for not paying better attention>
the end.

1 comment:
L~ Keep your head under that hood and learn all you can. That way you can fix your favorite aunt Shannon's car whenever she needs it! Love you
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