this woman, she thinks she's so sly. we'll go to 7-11 together [because really, when aren't we together?] and she'll get a massive slurpee. i'll whine for one, she gives me a straw that she puts a few little sips in it then the second we get home she stores it in the freezer. then they disappear the next day. i'm onto her game. the trip is to get some in the store and make a giant fuss there so she HAS to get me my own. screaming, grabbing cups and yelling 'my own slurpee!' works. or just grabbing a million cups and throwing them all over the floor. works pretty well so far.
for 7-11 day my mom let me get my very own slurpee. granted, it was sugar free mango and only a quarter filled but it was delicious [but holy brainfreeze!]. ever since then i've upped the 'myself' game. with everything. my own yogurt. my own banana bread. my own shoes. my own treats. it's about time this lady knew who was boss.

1 comment:
It's about time you had your own slurpee. I'll even get you a cherry slurpee that isn't sugar free when I see you next
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