so what has been the haps lately? well i moved. ya, my parents just uprooted me [again] to a one-park town [it feels like it] with no friends [at least none that get me like charlotte does]. i have virtually none of my clothes [when you have a mountain, half of a mountain feels like a molehill], like zero toys [i only have 3 cars.... THREE] and i sleep on a slab of plastic [oh mattress, i miss you. who do you think i am? ayden?]. i hate to be dramatic but i'm basically a slum dog.
i'm trying to stay positive, to keep the wrinkles at bay. but i'm not very good at it. sure i like the children's museum- but you can't take anything home with really, what's the point? and this 'weather' they have, i don't get it. why does wet-stuff need to fall from the sky? it just gets everything wet and cold [my two least favorite things].
not to mention my mom is pushing me down to one nap a day. i mean, how's a balla supposed to roll when he's out cold two hours in the day? i really prefer to stay up all day and party all night.
the thing i prob miss most about vegas is my grandma & mema. here i am practically with that woman 24/7. not even daddy to help take the weight off the constant kissys. i mean, come on mom, how many times do i need to kiss you in a day? it's getting ridiculous. grandma shell would sneak me m's and mema would babysit me. i just need a vacation from her. love ya mom, but you're suffocating me.

1 comment:
If your mom would change her plane ticket we could be getting suckers in a month. Stinky old mom! Never any fun
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