hello october - it's so glad to meet you. granted, this is second time i've seen you i feel like it's the first. because last time i was holed up in my mom's pink robe screaming to the world. i am so glad you like to hot. it makes it so i can enjoy some wonderful features around the house, including this water spiket. i had so much fun. now i run to it everytime i go outside, only to be sadly disappointed because we are nearing november and freezing low 80s/high 70s degree weather.
when my mom forces me inside, she often gets bored [really woman! get a pet!] and will sometime come up with the weirdest things to entertain herself... and me. really this was hilarious for a bit.

Landon, I am so glad you are enjoying October. It is one of the better months. I see you are still obsessed with water. That never goes away. I am so excited to see you in 3 weeks so you can show me all your new tricks. BTW dude, tell you Mom to button you pants already. Love you, Your Favorite Aunt
Landon your mom used to LOVED to be pushed in our laundry basket growing up too. She just wanted to relive her childhood through you
NICK "Landon your gross! Don't drink that water! hahahaha he's so sily. Can I go roll with Landon now??"
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